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Xi Chen

Senior Counsel


Phone:+86 10 5949 6030

Working language:English and Mandarin

Practice Description

Mr. Chen is a senior counsel at FenXun. He is an experienced and outstanding litigator and arbitrator. In over six-years practice, Mr. Chen has acted as leading lawyer in many complicated commercial litigations for multinational and domestic companies. He focuses mainly on dispute cases on IP related anti-monopoly litigation, standard essential patent(SEP)/patent portfolio/patent pool related litigations (including SEP infringement and injunction litigation, determination of FRAND terms dispute, and anti-monopoly litigation), product liability, hospitality industry related litigation and arbitration, securities & financial derivatives, copyright and trademark litigation, and other contractual disputes, etc. 

Awards and rankings

Rising Star in China PRC Firms, CBLJ, 2022

Educational background and qualifications

Mr. Chen graduated from China University of Politic Science and Law with a LL.B. He holds the PRC bar.

Practice Area